Greatest Adventure



Hey, its been awhile since I last wrote here. I think its mostly because I've been living my life to the fullest.
In the past few month since the last post, I've been doing a lot of crazy stuff XD
One of my most greatest achievement is riding my bike from my house to Alamanda, Putrajaya (which is quite far from my place).

The journey going there was awesome!!! I have learn many things about myself and my choices in life until now during the journey. Like for example, I've learnt that even thought I keep most of my promises, I always break my own promises to myself. I think that is one of the reasons why a have such low self esteem :( (Yeah, Im always insecure about myself and always feeling sad inside). So, by knowing this, I'll try to change myself in the future to become a better person ^_^...

All in all, from this journey, I've learn a lot about myself and trying to find ways to improve :)

So, for my last words are 'To love yourself is to accept the good and bad of what you are.'

2013 (Black)



So, its a New Year and I'm still alive...
Hahahahha.... I don't know whether to be happy or not :-/
Now, according to the Mayans and NASA, 2012 will be the last year ever (meaning Armageddon) and I was kinda hoping it to be true actually...
Yalah, the END OF THE WORLD!!! Meaning there's no more wars, no more Death (actually the death of everything XD).

I think, the people who doesn't remember death are the people that never appreciate living...
Bcause they never knew what they gonna miss when they're dead.... If someone remembers death, they will try their best to live their life fully as they will remember that life is short and that anything can happen anywhere and anytime...

So, just a little reminder to myself and you guys/girls out there to take life seriously and to appreciate every moment and every breath that you take :)
